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TULSA CHAPTER: Launch Your Chapter to Power Member Super Star Status

SUMMARY: The Tulsa Chapter sought to increase its joint membership percentage from 40 to 50 percent in one year by implementing five successful strategies. The chapter agreed to share monthly updates about Power Membership during board meetings, joined the Chapter Membership on the ATD Store Program, and highlighted the benefits of Power Membership to chapter members through promotion and discounts at chapter events. Additionally, the chapter reached out to ATD members in the state and encouraged members to attend ATD 2018 as part of the Tulsa Chapter’s team. As a result of its efforts, the chapter achieved 51 percent joint membership five months before its stated goal and received Membership Super Star recognition for 2018.

YEAR: 2019

PITTSBURGH CHAPTER: Leveraging National Membership Benefit for Chapter Book Club

SUMMARY: To promote and generate interest in Power Membership, the chapter used an e-book available through ATD as a member benefit for its book club selection. The chapter promoted the book club to members and created an event on the chapter website to track of registration. The book club met once per month with a three-month focus on one book culminating in two virtual meetings and one in-person meeting. Through the book club, the chapter encouraged use of ATD member benefits, invited people to participate in industry-related conversations, and boosted engagement.

YEAR: 2018

CENTRAL IOWA CHAPTER: TD Educational Webinars: eBooks

SUMMARY: The chapter does not have a Past President role; however, outgoing presidents are now a part of the Education Committee as the ATD Liaison. This role helps chapter members see the benefits, tools and resources that ATD provides to members and to the chapter. This year, two webinars were created, "Talent Development Education: eBooks with Alan", hosted by the 2015 Past President, Alan Fierer. These webinars had higher than average attendance, received positive feedback from attendees and helped increase the chapter’s Power Member numbers.

YEAR: 2015

ST. LOUIS CHAPTER: Member Emeritus Program

SUMMARY: Beginning December 2013, the St. Louis chapter initiated the Member Emeritus category and honorary title. The membership category was created to honor long term members for their service and time with the chapter. To qualify the member must be in good standing and have maintained continuous chapter membership for a period of 10 years. Along with this honor, each Member Emeritus receives a complimentary renewal to the chapter each year as long as the member maintains an active ATD National membership.

YEAR: 2014

LAKE SUPERIOR CHAPTER: Power Membership Scavenger Hunt

SUMMARY: To promote power membership and enlighten chapter members to professional development opportunities outside of the chapter, the Lake Superior Chapter developed the Power Membership Scavenger Hunt. Through the activity, chapter members were actively engaged in locating information on the ATD website and in T+D Magazine, and questions focused on additional education opportunities including conferences, blogs, webcasts, and the Communities of Practice.

YEAR: 2014


SUMMARY: The chapter had a goal to increase joint membership by 10% so they significantly publicized and communicated “Power of 2” through their website, at meetings and special events, and by email.

YEAR: 2009

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