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GREATER LAS VEGAS CHAPTER: Board Transition Made Easier via Pre-Planned Annual Events

SUMMARY: To ease the transition between the outgoing and incoming board, the Greater Las Vegas Chapter hosts three annual events that take place in January, February, and March. These events are some of the chapter’s most popular and include the State of the Chapter Meeting, a member-run Unconference, and the chapter’s Tribute to Learning Award Celebration. By ensuring the incoming board has pre-planned programming for the first three months of its term, the chapter lessens the stress of the transition and sets incoming board members up for success as they adjust to their new roles.

YEAR: 2023

PUGET SOUND CHAPTER: Developing Succession Planning Fluency in The Board of Directors

SUMMARY: Succession planning has been an ongoing area of focus for the Puget Sound Chapter. In 2022, they decided to implement a succession planning tool to help their current board identify areas of opportunity, uncover blind spots, and leverage the strengths of their existing volunteer network. The exercise included significant self-reflection and encouraged board members to think strategically and take proactive measures to identify a successor. By gathering consistent information across each position and putting their thoughts in writing, the entire board was better able to understand the nuances of each position and strengthen their commitment to developing future leadership. Taking a more structured approach to succession planning has given the board a sustainable and repeatable process for selecting and supporting board members in years to come.

YEAR: 2022

NEBRASKA CHAPTER: Setting Your Chapter Up for Success Through Timely Succession Planning

SUMMARY: The chapter recognized that effective and timely succession planning strongly supported its continued success. To further support the succession planning process, the chapter shifted its timeline for identifying, nominating, and voting for open board positions from the third quarter of the year to the second. This change strengthened knowledge management practices, empowered incoming board members to set goals for their terms, made it possible for more chapter leaders to attend ALC, and generally improved onboarding and leaders’ understanding of board acumen.

YEAR: 2019

CENTRAL OHIO CHAPTER: Overhauling the VP of Finance Role for Financial Literacy

SUMMARY: By adopting targeted recruiting strategies for the VP of Finance position, the chapter identified a qualified candidate with dual backgrounds in finance and talent development. The new VP has improved the chapter’s financial reporting procedures to better align with standard accounting processes, which has both increased the board’s awareness of the chapter’s financial position and improved its ability to make decisions. Strengthening the chapter’s financial reporting processes supports the chapter’s financial stability and longevity while improving its ability to achieve strategic goals.

YEAR: 2019

LOS ANGELES CHAPTER: Succession Planning Program

SUMMARY: The chapter developed a process to fill the role of manager for different committees working under a chapter officer with executive voting powers. All chapter volunteers were interviewed by a minimum of two chapter officers, including the president. Interviews were conducted by phone to assess skills and motivational fit. Selected candidates were then invited to the in-person board meeting to meet the rest of the board. For succession planning purposes, a manager can be promoted to director and a director to a vice president as the volunteer serves more terms on the board. This incentive educates and trains newer volunteers in a progressive manner, and recognizes those that continue their service on the board. The program has resulted in a targeted selection of volunteers that are ready to take on the responsibilities of their roles and better prepared to be successors.

YEAR: 2016

ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHAPTER: Finding a VP Finance/Treasurer

SUMMARY: The chapter found it challenging to fill the role of VP Finance/Treasurer among its membership. As a result, the chapter contacted the local association of CPAs to find an experienced finance professional, who had experience supporting adult learning organizations, to sign on to the position. The chapter found that having a board member with deep financial knowledge and experience has enabled it to create better financial reporting allowing the chapter to not only maintain but build upon its stable financial foundation.

YEAR: 2014


SUMMARY: The chapter board invited all current and future board members to a board appreciation dinner. The group began with a 45 minute dinner where they discussed current goal. Following dinner they participated in different team building activities to focus on open communication and proper hand off of responsibilities.

YEAR: 2010

MIDDLE TENNESSEE CHAPTER: Board Succession Planning

SUMMARY: The chapter created a succession planning process to ensure a full slate of officers to facilitate chapter leadership. A nominating committee was formed to actively find prospects and recruit new leaders to the board. As a result, a successful election was held in November 2009 and recognition was given to the new officers at the December chapter meeting.

YEAR: 2010

BATON ROUGE CHAPTER: Leadership Succession Planning

SUMMARY: Over the past few years, the Baton Rouge chapter leaders have focused a great deal of attention on volunteer engagement which in turn grew the leadership pipeline. The Leadership Succession Planning Guide was created to assist chapter leadership with knowledge and commitment transfer.

YEAR: 2009

PUGET SOUND CHAPTER: New Board Succession Management Process

SUMMARY: For several years interest in Board positions has not been strong enough to allow us to present a competitive slate of candidates to our members for a full-chapter vote. Targeted recruitment of our successors by Board members produced inconsistent results. This allowed us to create a new process we hoped would identify, recruit and fit potential candidates to open Board positions to more successfully meet chapter needs and individual skills and preferences.

YEAR: 2009

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